

A creepy smiling green-eyed man with a waxed moustache

British/German Illustrator and Graphic Artist based in Derbyshire.

Graduate of Edinburgh College of Art

Contact/Commissions mail[at]michaelfeaux.co.uk


2020- Freelancer

2014-2020- Web and Graphic designer for the Excellence Stategy, University of Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg

2017- Offene Ateliers. Group exhibition. Wankheim, Germany

2012- Auf Einmal Sehen. Solo exhibition. Berlin, Germany

2008- Absorbtion. Group Exhibition. Leith, Scotland

2008- Final Year Exhibition. Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland

2007- Tapestry Rules OK. Group exhibition. Edinburgh, Scotland

2007- Excellent Intermedia Workers. Group Exhibition. Budapest, Hungary